Mission of the project

To utilize scripting languages and code to automate the build, configuration, monitoring, troubleshooting, and repair of host systems.




1. End user should not have to gather resouces. ISOs and cumulative updates are kept in an in-house repository that the script automatically pulls from.
2. The repository uses naming standards whereas the scripts reads available updates on the fly without having to re-write code.
3. The ConfigurationFile.ini can be saved and re-imported to install another instance on same server or another server.
4. Everything except credentials is stored in the .ini. A custom .ini with credentials can be used and imported into the UI.
5. Built-in capability to manage drive naming, block size, drive letters, etc. Can be used independently.
6. Has QC capability. Can be used independently.

Active Diretory

Sample Scripts of Active Directory Reporting.

These are not  from the Active Directory Module.

I do have scripts that manipulate.

A custom UI is in the works.



1. This script uses an array to define the order of user provided functions to process.

2. It uses 2 variables to control the flow of user provided functions.



3. There are 4 script parameters. None are mandatory.






4. There are also 2 regions that must remain as written.

    #region begin MUST HAVE PROCESS LOOP

    #region begin MUST HAVE FUNCTIONS

5. The 3rd region, #region begin USER FUNCTIONS, is for user provided functions.

6. Files Written to the hard drive are:

    AutoConfig_Tracking.json    : The script uses this to track its progress

    AutoConfig_Tracking_Log.txt : This the human readable log with step results and time stamps.

    These are written to the same location as where the script was ran.



Contact to get more information on the project